Dialogues on Territorial development
Date: 15 May, Monday.
Time: 09:00 – 11:30 (1.5 Hours)
Place: Sinnergiak Social Innovation (UPV/EHU). Elvira Zipitria, Paseo Ondarreta 18.
Donostia-San Sebastián
Description of the Session:
The importance of regions and territories resides in their ability to act as focal points in innovation processes, through the convergence of economic and technological opportunities, human resources and culture. The conceptualisation of territories as intelligent networks that favour the participation of different stakeholders also enables the implementation of activities based on the exchange of experiences, experimentation and learning.
All this requires the modelling of new strategies which, based on sustainability, redesign the sphere of public policies focusing on dialogue, reflexive action and innovation.

Peter Totterdill
Director. European Workplace Innovation Network / Workplace Innovation / UKWON (UK)Like a stick of rock, break Peter Totterdill in two and you’ll see ‘Workplace Innovation’ written right through him. He is a passionate advocate of organizational practices that combine high performance and high quality of working life. Peter’s career as a researcher, policy adviser, consultant, conference facilitator and animateur has consistently focused on building bridges between academic knowledge and practice. He believes his best work is yet to come but lists some great achievements as helping to change working lives and business performance in hundreds of organisations since 1990, helping to build a Europe-wide movement in support of better ways of working (European Workplace Innovation Network) and working with Rosemary Exton as an inspiring, dedicated and resilient business partner since 2002. Peter Totterdill is also visiting Professor at Kingston University London, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bath and Affiliated Professor of Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania. www.goodworkplace.net

Clare Alexander
Head of Workplace Innovation. Scottish Entreprise (Scotland)Scottish Enterprise (SE) is Scotland’s economic development agency, funded by the Scottish Government. SE´s aim is position Scotland as an innovative, high wage and high productivity economy that competes in international markets and focuses on high value goods and services. To achieve this, SE wants to ‘shift the dial’ in Scotland’s economic performance. Clare Alexandre has recently been appointed to lead SE’s Workplace Innovation support - encouraging businesses to make the most of more diverse, engaged and talented workforces and fair and responsible business practices. http://www.scottish-enterprise.com/